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Altair Performance and Use

Status and availability ALTAIR with a Natural Guide Star (NGS) is available with NIRI for imaging and spectroscopy and with NIFS for IFU imaging, spectroscopy and coronography. In imaging mode ALTAIR is usable with NIRI at f/32, in all of the 1-2.5um filters and also for imaging point sources at L'. NIRI with f/14 is available for imaging using the field lens. For spectroscopy, ALTAIR may be used with NIRI's three f/32 grisms, which collectively cover most of the 1.0-2.5um region. Altair can also deliver a corrected beam to NIFS, for which science verification (SV) observations were taken in the early part of 2006A. For 2006B and beyond, the Field Lens is available giving more uniform Strehl ratios across the field under suitable atmospheric conditions. Also for 2006B and beyond, the Laser Guide Star (LGS) system is offered.  
Modes of operation Available modes of Altair are summarized on the introductory page
Altair Components Details of the opto-mechanical Altair components are listed on the Altair Components page.
Sensitivity and NGS AO performance The NIRI Integration Time Calculator and NIFS Integration Time Calculator are being modified for use with Altair (as of late February 2007). They will be used to determine limiting magnitude, Strehl ratio etc for point sources with a range of guide star (brightness and off-axis distance) properties under various natural seeing conditions. The old Altair ITC is still available and may be used until the NIRI/NIFS ITC revisions are complete.

See also the commissioning performance summary of the Strehl ratio, FWHM and 50% encircled energy.

No ITC is available for L' AO imaging. Experiments show that with ALTAIR the background per pixel increases by 3.2X. Thus, if AO reduces a 0.3" FWHM image of a point source at L' to 0.1" FWHM, the improvement in S/N is roughly 2.5 over NIRI standalone imaging. Note that on extended sources performance at L' is severely degraded.

No ITC is available for spectroscopy mode. See the NIRI Performance web page for information on estimating the sensitivity.

Observing strategies Technically, Altair is considered by the telescope control system as one additional guide probe. Thus it is the Altair WFS that moves to acquire an off-target guide star (GS), not the science field which is put off-axis to steer the Altair guide star on-axis. The telescope will therefore always point at the science object. As emphasized in the GS requirements section below, it is always advisable to chose the brightest and closest GS to the science target. The ITC can be used to investigate the trade-off of brightness versus distance.

Splitting of the light is done by a dichroic, therefore on a wavelength basis, so there is no vignetting.

See the Altair Observing Strategies page for aspects of guide star acquisition.

NGS Observing overheads The observing overhead due to Altair is small. If the coordinates are accurate the guide star generally falls within or very close to the WFS field stop, and the loop can be closed in a few minutes. The overhead including slew time is typically from 5 to 20 minutes, depending on distance from the previous target, the field crowdedness, and the accuracy of the observer's estimation of the GS magnitude / spectral type. After that, everything behaves as in regular operation with NIRI or NIFS, and the overhead associated with those instruments applies.
NGS observing condition requirements

Altair's performance is more sensitive to observing conditions than the other Gemini facility wavefront sensors. We recommend requesting image quality conditions better than IQ=70% (i.e. FWHM in V of less than 0.8 arcsec). Altair performs well in these conditions. It is possible to get some correction in IQ=85% (i.e. FWHM in V of less than 1.2), but you will typically be getting low Strehl ratios (around 10%) and FWHM of about 0.1 arcsec for bright sources. When conditions are much worse than IQ=85%, the uncorrected size of the star exceeds the Altair pupil size causing Altair's control loop to diverge.

Cloud cover also adversely affects Altair's performance. Cloud cover will of course reduce the magnitude of any guide star due to extinction. Clumpy clouds further reduce Altair's performance as the centroid gain calculation, which relies on steady flux on the wavefront sensor will tend to produce spurious results. Under uniform cloud cover conditions such as thin cirrus, one can expect performance to degrade in line with the Gemini Cloud Cover constraints: no effect for CC=50% or better, an extinction of 0.3 mag for CC=70%, and an extinction of about 3 magnitudes for CC=90%. We do not recommend using Altair in CC=90% or worse because, in these conditions, the opacity tends to vary quickly by extreme amounts. Any guide star lock in CC=90% conditions is typically very tenuous except for the very brightest guide stars (V less than approximately 7 magnitudes).

In summary, we recommend using Altair NGS in IQ=70% and CC=70% conditions or better. In some cases, such as with very bright guide stars (V magnitudes less than 7), IQ=85% / CC=70% or IQ=70% / CC=90% may be possible. However, even for the brightest guide stars, IQ=85% / CC=90% is not generally possible or useful. Note that Altair LGS requires IQ=70%, CC=50%, as detailed on the Laser Guide Star page.

NGS guide star requirements Altair requires a guide star (GS) within 25 arcsec of the center of the field. Best performance is obtained when the guide star is much closer to the science target than this.

The GS should be as bright as possible. One distinguishes two correction regimes (a) full correction regime where the best image quality can be expected and (b) partial correction regime where the delivered image quality degrades as the GS magnitude increases. Limiting magnitude for full and partial correction as a function of the GS spectral type is given in the table below:

V-band limiting magnitude and color for full and partial correction regimes
Spectral Type A0 G6 K7 M4
V-R color-
Limiting mag for 
full correction 11.712.012.312.6
Partial correction14.915.115.3 15.615.916.216.5

The guide star may be an extended object provided that it has a sharp core with a FWHM < 0.6 arcsec.

Note that the performance will degrade with:

  • Fainter guide stars
  • Angular separation from guide star to observed object
  • Extended guide star
Although it is possible to use fairly faint guide stars, combination of a faint guide star with off-axis angle (e.g. faint guide star 25 arcsec off-axis) will lead to very poor performance.
NGS Pitfalls

Here is a short list of important points to note:

  • In its default configuration without the Field Lens, the Altair isoplanatic angle is relatively small. A Strehl attenuation of 50% occurs at about 7 arcsec from the guide star in K band, so do not be overly optimistic and choose guide star as close as possible from the object. Use of the Field Lens dramatically increases this 7 arcsec limit. The field lens is new for 2006A, so PIs wanting to use it should review the Field Lens summary.
  • Choosing a guide star that is both faint and off-axis will lead to very poor compensation.
Laser Guide Star (LGS) The Laser Guide Star (LGS) was commissioned in Feb 2007. In general, LGS delivers somewhat lower Strehls than NGS, but it will allow the use of fainter guide stars and better performance far from the guide star.

LGS performance can be divided into "high Strehl" and "low Strehl" modes. We define "high Strehl" as full correction, and expect this to be accomplished with the use of a natural tip/tilt star with R<15 and within 15 arcseconds of the science target. Full correction should be able to deliver Strehls of over 20% in the K-band and 10% in the H-band. We define "low Strehl" as partial correction in any conditions where a reasonable correction can take place. Strehls will be generally lower than the full correction values, lower for more distant tip/tilt stars or for more separation between the science target. Limits of the system are R<18.5 within 25 arcseconds of the guide star. Full performance notes are on the Laser Guide Star page.

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Last update Feb 22, 2007; Chad Trujillo 
Previous versions by T Geballe, Jean-Pierre Véran and Francois Rigaut